The story of EnergyVision
It's all about people, we always say at EnergyVision. Our business is a people business. Always has been. The roots of that belief lie deep in EnergyVision's DNA: they are in the roots, the founding of our company. Do you already know the story behind EnergyVision's values?
EnergyVision was founded in the autumn of 2014. On 8 October 2014 to be precise. By four friends who had a good idea (involving as many people as possible in the energy transition) but no pennies (EUR 6,200, at the time the minimum needed to start a company). With great enthusiasm but empty pockets, they started, Maarten, Klaas, Hassan and Koen. Going to the notary first. EUR 1,500 gone. Then rent a 20m² office with a single-glazed window. EUR 3,500 gone in rent and rental deposit. Booking plane tickets to China to find the first customers. Book hotel room? No money left.
Pennies they didn't have, but at the same time they realised: we have the best capital in the world. We have people. It was people that made the difference, not the EUR 6,200 they had saved together. Not the cash, but the people made the difference.To this day, nothing has changed about that DNA. It is about people. About employees, about customers. And that is deeply embedded in everything we do. EnergyVision wants to bring as many people, families and businesses as possible into the energy transition. We pride ourselves on the fact that such a transition should not happen over people's heads (the only thing we do over people's heads is put solar panels on their roofs for free) and that a transition should not lead to extra costs, or exclusions, or concerns and questions.

The DNA is sacred
Of course, EnergyVision is profit-driven. That too goes back to the company's origins: if you don't have any pennies, you have to make a quick profit, or you'll go down in no time. We didn't have to think about loans: to this day, twelve framed e-mails from major and minor banks hang in the office. All gave a njet. "No, we don't give loans." "No, we don't believe in the business model." "No, this can't work." We had to do it on our own. And so make a quick profit to generate pennies. Yes, we are profit-driven, today not to survive, but to have maximum impact. Our model is quite simple: for every euro of profit we make, a customer saves two. So the more profit we make, the more impact we can have for people who can't get there on their own. And that's what it's all about.
Between 2014 and 2022, EnergyVision's capital officially remained the minimum capital. Meanwhile, the company had already amassed EUR 30 million in profits, but its capital was still that of its inception. Only in early 2022 did EnergyVision raise capital for the first time. The investors knew: the DNA is sacred and is what makes EnergyVision EnergyVision. Today, the founders still hold more than 80% of the company's shares. Today, they are still firmly at the helm of the company and help guard its DNA. And the mission: making a difference for people who cannot get there on their own.
We grew in turnover and profit for ten years in a row. We added more and more clients and more and more employees. Everything changed, and at the same time nothing changed. It's all about people. Always has been, always will be. That is the story of EnergyVision.

240 employees
5 offices
10 coffee machines
22 nationalities
+ 32,500 projects
+ 946 MWp PV
121 million EUR
30,3 million EUR
Our vision and mission
EnergyVision, what's in a name? Energy is a basic need and, unfortunately, all too often a big cost. In an ideal scenario, we take away all the energy worries of everyone worldwide: enough energy, cheap and green. Eco is how we see the world: ecologically, but also economically.
Our mission is to include everyone in the energy transition. Really everyone. We do this by removing all financial and technical barriers and investing ourselves. By monitoring everything from start to finish, from design to delivery and even beyond, day after day, for years.
Striving for a better world
The DNA of EnergyVision
At EnergyVision, we strive for a better world. That means creating added value and impact for our clients and their environment, being result- and goal-oriented, but also making our company itself a pleasant, pleasant place with an eye for people and their wishes, needs, concerns and dreams, however diverse.
EnergyVision's strength lies in our passion for clients and projects, transparent communication internally and externally, and agility and flexibility at all times.
Our core values are purposefulness (striving for impact), integrity and transparency.

THESE are our EValues

Striving to create an impact

We are sincere and authentic

Transparency, clarity and openness are crucial